As we do here in Indonesia, Rope Access began to known as one of option in cleaning glass in high area. A service which is use as an option to cleaning...(note: only cleaning)...
It's kind a broke my heart, actually. And unfortunately (again) here in Indonesia, there are still so many Glass Crawler keep selling their capabilities in such a low price compare to the risk that they take. But that's not the point, it will be everybody's right to chose on how much they want to sell their self (LOL)
As you can see on the left picture are safety gear that we use in order to keep our life keep in touch with the body properly (Hihihihi) which I know that all of you probably even recognized it personally.
Yep, Carabiners, Safety Helmet, Jumar, Seat Harness, Auto-Stop, Crowl, etc ^_^
And each one of 'em are mean our life, which every kind of it has their own function with their own unique kind of using.
And how to use it ???
You don't know?
Ehm, okey then, let's pass it first. I won't blame any body if you don't know how to use it ^_^
As I mentioned earlier that each one of those gear were more than capable to keep the user from falling, because that's the point of each one of it created (even you don't know how to use it, tough, so I strongly recommend to not to go to the roof top and jump off without it).
He he he, I'm sorry, let's just pretend that you know how to use each kind of those gear.
Use every kind of those sweet powerful safety gear on proper and functionally, then let's walk with me.
Taken from it's name, Highrise Service, literally mean as High Risk Work which demands a well-capable and skilled person on their job.
Knowledge and Skill is a must, Owh, I forgot. We are pretending that you all ready know how to use it ^_^
\(^_^)/ We made it to the roof top!!!
This is one of our work area. For about 120 feet of the ground in the big ugly and dusty silo in some area of West Java, Indonesia.
Once you know how to use every tools needed, put it all on, and walk up to until reach the roof top of the area, the work are entirely begin.
Using the Single rope or Double Rope Method, the work are started. And the next question would be...
Do you Brave enough to do it???
As you can see in the left side picture, there is only one or two line of rope which is make a boundaries between you and the gravity. A thin line which make every bit of movement should be done carefully. In the meantime, there's a deadline to pursuit (^_^)
Please don't start to consider about the wind, he he he, because mostly, wind are the most potential enemy up here...
So, name your price again?
Ha ha ha ha!!!
So hereby I could tell you, my dear friends fellow workmate, about value of this kind of jobs, and it's not cheap at all (compare to your capabilities and life you put trough, I mean)
Sorry, my dear friends, this page is just an intermezzo. I'm just trying to tell my fellow workmate here around my country, Indonesia to think carefully and priced precisely, so you won't wasted any of it...
But most of all, I'd like to tell that this service isn't expensive compare to things that my dear friends, Building Owner could gain during this service progress.
But I won't tell you ^_^ LOL
You have to find it out by your self about it. When you do find it, you would realize that the cleaning or the maintenance of your building is just a bonus!
You are pay for something much more valuable from the process ^_^ and we don't even charge you for that. So, please never consider to think that this kind of service is expensive. Because, it's still a little bit more cheap than if you are using gondola on the process ^_^
So much talking this time. Hopefully I said this all in a proper words, so you could understand about the meaning on why I write this.
So, let's cut it off for this time, and see you all again in our next journey to West Java, Indonesia, so you'll know that our capabilities are not only about cleaning glass...
Stay sharp, keep focus and let's the safety on ^_^ See ya'
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